Haii vitamins
Aku lg suka nonton film nih. Ada recommend film-film yg bagus gak??. Romance, action, thriller, comedy, asal jgn horror aja ya. Aku parno soalnya klo liat film horror. Dan klo bisa filmnya film barat jgn thailand & korea ya, soalnya aku pecinta film thailand & korea pasti udh byk yg ditonton jg.
Kak @author4 wajib jawab loh ya, td aku disuruh bikin VQ kan.
Banyak banget film yg udah ditonton, lupa2 ingat..
Ini film baru sama lama oke kah?
- Semua film Marvel (mulai dari Iron Man 1 2 3, Amazing Spiderman 1 2, Capt. America 1 2 3, Thor 1 2, X-Man (th 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016), Ant-Man, Guardian of Galaxy, Deadpool, Doctor Strange, Avenger)
- seri Batman yang pemerannya Cristian Bale (Batman Begin, The Dark Knight, The dark Knight Rises)
- seri James Bond (Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, Spectre)
- seri Mission Impossible 1, 2, 3, Ghost Protocol, Rogue War)
- seri Pirates of the Carribean 1,2,3,4
- seri the Bourne (Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum, Legacy, Jason Bourne)
- seri Transformer 1,2,3,4
- Suicide’s Squad
- Wanted (2008)
- Avatar
- Sherlock Holmes (2009&2011)
- G.I Joe (2009&2012)
- Despicable Me & sequel
- Seri Lord of The Ring 1,23
- Snow White and The Huntsman & sequel
- Now You See Me & sequel
- Jobs (2013)/ Steve Jobs (2015)
- Ender’s Game
- Gone Girl
- Edge of Tomorrow
- Fury
- Maleficient
- The Revenant
- Spotlight
- In The Heart of The Sea
- Jack Reacher&sequel
- Olympus has Fallen
- London has Fallen
- dll yang ga inget

Wuihh byk. Makasii bgt yaa recommend nya