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    • #379030

      Hi, salam kenal! Ini kali pertama aku share resep masakan, semoga sesuai dengan ekspektasi ya :)

      Oh ya, resep ini sudah disesuaikan dan menurutku lebih enak daripada resep aslinya (Pinterest).

      Aku nulis resep ini pakai bahasa Inggris, tapi masih mudah kok, tenang ;)

      Kalau kurang paham, boleh tanya-tanya :)

      Sekian kata pembuka yang terlalu panjang ini :)

      Happy cooking fellas!


      1/2 kg Chicken Breast (Fillet)
      5 pcs Carrot (Optional, cut into finger size, you can use other veggies too)
      2 tsp Minced Garlic
      1 tsp Himalayan Salt
      2 tbsp White Sesame Oil (I used the black one because I run out of the white one)
      2 tbsp Soy Sauce
      1 bunch of Minced Cilantro
      3 tbsp Sriracha Sauce
      120 gr Peanut Butter
      5 tbsp Canola Oil (If you feel the mixture is to thick, you can add this. You can also use Olive Oil)
      1/4 Lemon



      1. In a bowl, mix lemon; garlic; and salt, stir until it is well combined.

      2. Add soy sauce, stir.

      3. Add white sesame oil, stir.

      4. Add sriracha sauce, stir.

      5. Add peanut butter, stir.

      6. Add minced cilantro, stir. Set aside.

      7. Cut chicken into 5-10 pieces. Marinade chicken with the mixture for 30-45 minutes, put in the refrigerator (if you use carrot/other veggies, 1/3 of the mixture use to marinade the carrot/other veggies).

      8. After all the steps, take out the marinated chicken from refrigerator and heat the pan.

      9. Put all the chicken (and the carrot/other veggies if you use) into the heated pan. Cook until it is well done. You do not need to add oil into the heated pan, because the mixture contains oil and it is enough.

      10. Grilled chicken peanut is done, serve with warm rice.

    • #379118

      @MendyJane thanks for the recipe will try it. Beli dulu canola oil nya.

    • #379204

      @SairaAkira Canola oil is not a must, you can also use the usual palm oil.

      But for a healthier choices, you can use canola oil/extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)/extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO).

    • #379385

      Okee aku jarang bgt makan masakan Thailand.. kapan2 resepnya aku coba, terima kasih udh share hihi

    • #379857

      wah bolehlah ntar dicoba resepnya 

    • #386782

      Pengennn buat ah kalau pulkam wkwkwk :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss :kisskiss

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