@shareenia shareenia has been a member for 8 tahun, 8 bulan lalu. 0 ReputationVitamins, ParticipantPSA Points balance: 0 Belum aktif akhir-akhir ini Aktivitas Profil Blog Forum Topik yang Dimulai Balasan-balasan telah dibuat Engagements Kesukaan Search replies: Balasan Forum telah dibuat Melihat 0 pertalian (thread) balasan Penulis Tulisan-tulisan 30 September 2016 pada 5:00 pm #111877 shareeniaPeserta hi all! greetings from me :) i’m shareen, nice to know you all.. i just knew that there’s an english club forum here. hope this forum still active so that we can practice english together.. btw, i’m a big fan of asia and aiko :”) Penulis Tulisan-tulisan Melihat 0 pertalian (thread) balasan