by jbaekmi

A Little Braver

14 Januari 2017 in Vitamins Blog

21 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1 (21 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)
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With December comes the glimmer on her face
And I get a bit nervous
I get a bit nervous now
In the twelve months on I won’t make friends with change
When everyone’s perfect
Can we start over again?

The playgrounds, they get rusty and your
Heart beats another ten thousand times before
I got the chance to say
I miss you

When it gets hard
I get a little stronger now
I get a little braver now
And when it gets dark
I get a little brighter now
I get a little wiser now
Before I give my heart away

Well we met each other at the house of runaways
I remember it perfectly, we were running on honesty
We moved together like a silver lock and key
But now that your lock has changed
I know I can’t fit that way

The playgrounds, they get rusty and your
Heart beats another ten thousand times before
I got the chance to say
I want you

When it gets hard
I get a little stronger now
I get a little braver now
And when it gets dark
I get a little brighter now
I get a little wiser now
Before I give my heart away

When it gets hard
I get a little stronger now
I get a little braver now
And when it gets dark
I get a little brighter now
I get a little wiser now
Before I give my heart away


by jbaekmi


12 Januari 2017 in Vitamins Blog

25 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1 (25 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)
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So easily, with harsh words
You put scars in my heart
Without even saying sorry
Again, I’m comforting myself
Always nervous
If you’re gonna leave me
I just want you to stay

In your expressionless face
That’s getting more and more dull
I whisper to the mirror,
Let’s slowly let this go
You take me for granted
But that’s you
But still, stay stay stay with me

This sad melody resembles you
It makes me cry eh eh
Your scent is a sweet felony
I hate you so much but i love you

Before the dark night traps me in
Don’t leave me
Do you still love me? If you feel the same
Don’t leave today
Don’t ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me

(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don’t expect a lot right now
Just stay with me

There’s nothing more I want now
I can’t even tell if my heart is beating
Rather than forceful conversations with others
I’d rather be in awkward silence with you
So stay, wherever that may be
Sometimes, when darkness comes, I’ll be your fire
In this world that is a lie the only truth, it’s you
This a letter from me to you

This sad melody resembles you
It makes me cry eh eh
Your scent is a sweet felony
I hate you so much but i love you

Before the dark night traps me in
Don’t leave me
Do you still love me? If you feel the same
Don’t leave today
Don’t ask why it has to be you
Just stay with me



by jbaekmi

After Time Passes

11 Januari 2017 in Vitamins Blog

21 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1 (21 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)
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Do you still think of me?

Me, who used to make you struggle, sad and hurt
Me, who thoughtlessly called you because I was drunk

My days have become too long
More than the times I spent with you back then
Though the minute hand of the clock goes around just the same

I will be living like that after time passes
I’ll meet someone else and say I love you
I’ll cast away the words I couldn’t say and my sadness
But as I look at myself like this
The person who made me happily smile more than anyone in the world
That person can’t be you anymore
So I stopped in place like a fool

The sadness is still there
Your image is still the same in me
I am silently, quietly looking at your photo

The small photo is smiling a little bit
In those times that seem so strange to me now
The me who is looking at you is not me anymore

I will be living like that after time passes
I’ll meet someone else and say I love you
I’ll cast away the words I couldn’t say and my sadness
But as I look at myself like this
The person who made me happily smile more than anyone in the world
That person can’t be you anymore
So I stopped in place like a fool

The dust called you, no matter how much I brush it off, it won’t get brushed off
No matter how much I erase you, the stain called you won’t be erased, won’t disappear
I spill and spill you out but you don’t empty out
No matter how much I run and run, the milestone called you won’t come to an end
I’m trapped in a maze called you so I can’t do anything

Time has stopped after I let you go
I’m dying, trapped in regret, the tears won’t stop
I take out the ring we both shared
As I follow and walk through the past memories
As I walk, I see you and I, both smiling brightly
How are you? Are you really living well without feeling anything?
Or are you in pain? Can’t we meet again?

I will be living like that after time passes
I’ll meet someone else and say I love you
I’ll cast away the words I couldn’t say and my sadness
But as I look at myself like this
The person who made me happily smile more than anyone in the world
That person can’t be you anymore
So I stopped in place like a fool

