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2 Agustus 2017 pada 7:48 am #372517
Pesertaassalamu’alaikum , good morning because im answers this morning , :dragonhihihi
A.Things that become motivation I want to learn better for english language like conversation and text or reading, I feel here more can easily understand and quickly learn english language and can add vocabulary of english language, I really want to fast can master english language and I Think here the container is fun and precise and easy to learn
B.The game that I have followed is some and what I remember mentioning one item that mentioned the characteristics of the object, which I feel like I have to know many words and add vocabulary that I mastered and guess what objects I sometimes also Do not know, but it’s all fun and fun
C.I think this time, this grub is very active and very generous to the members and appreciation once with the members
D.Which I expect from this club more and more games that can make the member more enthusiasm in learning english and be smart including me, sometimes when boring and already dizzy with our routine so lazy to think, I hope the game here can make us happy and relieve stress
E.My suggestion for this club more and more fun game and easy way to learn for member who still really blind in english like me, but this grub is cool and nice and active build member spirit to active learn english
Thank you for allowing me to follow this event and I hope to get the reward tgw editor kagita :aamiin :aamiin
assalamu’alaikum :sopan
@famelovenda and @asadea :MAWARR :KISSYOU -
1 Agustus 2017 pada 10:51 am #372380
Pesertabelum sempat nonton , lagi gak mood mau nonton :LARIDEMIHIDUP
21 Juli 2017 pada 6:15 am #371066
Pesertaq baru dengar buah ini dan baru tau banget , q kira awal lihat gambar kentang :KAGEET
21 Juli 2017 pada 6:13 am #371065
Pesertagak bisa move on dari negara taiwan :PATAHHATI
17 Juli 2017 pada 5:56 am #370440
Pesertangena banget nih rata2 , tapi mantan kagak masuk :LARIDEMIHIDUP
17 Juli 2017 pada 5:56 am #370439
Pesertanomor 1 , tapi terkasang jadi nomor 5 juga :YUHUIII
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:23 pm #369369
Pesertacetakannya gak ada :LARIDEMIHIDUP
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:22 pm #369368
Pesertaenak2 semua :AKUGAKTERIMA
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:21 pm #369367
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:19 pm #369366
Pesertamasyaallah , cantiknya alam indonesia ya :sangatterpesona
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:17 pm #369364
Pesertasemoga bahagia dan bersama langgeng
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:14 pm #369363
Pesertaminyak jarak apaan ya :ragunih
8 Juli 2017 pada 2:11 pm #369362
Pesertamakasih infonya , boleh di coba nih
30 Juni 2017 pada 10:31 pm #368299
Pesertabaru tau manggis ada warnanya putih , makasih infonya
30 Juni 2017 pada 10:27 pm #368298
Pesertabisa jadi , manusia makin pintar makin canggih dunia , makin tua juga dunia :LARIDEMIHIDUP