Pasti diantara kalian smua, punya lagu favorite atau lagu “kebangsaan” masing2,, nah kalian pernah nemu lyric/penggalan lyric yg “jleb” yg terekam diotak n dijadikan quotes tersendiri untuk kalian?

Share penggalan lyric dan judul lagunya yaaa…

Kalau saya, salah satu quotes favorite itu

“cos your love for me is not begining and the end your love mine is now for me forever” 

Lgu ” Just For U ” by . Richard C

Tks for sharingnya


Lirik selena gomez

Who says

Who says, who says you’re not perfect

Who says you’re not worth it

Who says you’re the only one thats hurting

Bla bla bla

Seluruh lirik lagu itu bagus banget.

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